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This's an application called Coolor​ that generate colors with html code. It built with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript. Every colors generated can save in library feature and stores it in local storage

ClothesShop (WPF)

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ClothesShop (WPF)

This's desktop application. That's ClothesShop application built with C#, WPF, Dapper. Regarding Database, I have used SQL server but I have designed without Relational by binding table on client side. Note* It has no LiveDemo


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This app is used to create rhythms like any other beater. It's just a basic app with only three types of audio​​ and loops to sequence and experiment with. It built with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript.

Covid-19 Tracker

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Covid-19 Tracker

This's application is built for data visualization that using React and ChartJs. It tracks all Coronavirus Cases, Recovered, Deaths in the world


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This's a full-stack application using MERN (MongoBD, Express, React, Node) stack includes Material-UI framework and SendGrid for mailing to the user. It a kind of news feed application that similar to Instagram


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This's a full-stack application using MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) stack that includes SendGrid for mailing to the user. It has an additional feature if you log in as admin, In order to login as an administrator you can use this account, Email: [email protected] - Password: admin1234

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